Project 52 - week 28 and 29, and other random thoughts
This is a bit of a hodge-podge post today, stay with me! I have a few things on my mind and you get to hear all about them! Grab a cup of tea and settle in...
Random Thought #1: Screw New York
A friend of mine sent me a link to an article from a blog I had never heard of,
Thought Catalog. And now I have a new obsession. The blog is a collection of posts on what appears to be random subjects from a big group of contributors. You never know what you're going to find, and it is constantly updated so there's always something interesting to read about. The link my friend originally sent to me is called
Screw New York. At first I didn't know what to think, why would I want to read a negative article about my first love, New York City?! But I decided to go for it. And then, every emotion and thought that I have ever had with my love/hate struggle with NYC was right in front of my face, in black and white, laid out so clearly for the world to see.
If you have ever lived in NYC, either currently or in the past, you need to read this article. Do it!
And while you're there - check out this video on
Random Thought #2:
It's really starting to be a problem. If you have ever wanted one online space to keep any visual inspiration you have for food/clothes/style/beauty/travel/books/DIY - ANYTHING, you need to join Pinterest ASAP. Actually, I take that back. DON'T. Run for your life. Otherwise Pinterest will suck you in and you will spend hours with your eyes glued to your computer not blinking or moving or barely even breathing.
The first time I heard about Pinterest I heard about it four times in one week. I thought that was a bit odd and anything that I heard about multiple times in one week is bound to be awesome (except for Twilight, I'm sorry I still can't bring myself to be interested). Anyway, I went online, signed up and had a look what this new fangled site was all about. In the most basic sense it is an online space where you can create boards to house things that interest you. But really, it is so much more. You can repin other peoples inspirations, you can add a bookmark on your tool bar that allows you to pin nearly anything you want from the internet, AND you can download and app for your iPhone/iPad for mobile pinning. Basically I love this site more than facebook and twitter combined.
And because I can't post anything on my blog without a picture included, on to Project 52. I have to admit, while I still LOVE this project, I have been slacking mah-jor. I find my self using photos that I have randomly taken during the week to fit the theme of the week. At least that means that I'm consistently using my camera, what it also means is that I'm not actually challenging myself to think outside the box and take pictures of that weeks theme on purpose. So, thats my renewed challenge to myself.
Project 52 - Week 28 Sweet Release
Project 52 - Week 29 Get in Close
Taken at the Louvre last weekend while I was in Paris. Any closer and we'd be right in that guys mouth!
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